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"Ohad Group"

Renovation and repair of buildings Cincinnati Ohio

“Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world.”

(Franklin D. Roosevelt)

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Investment properties in the US

Sometimes the value of the renovation is higher than the purchase?Confused? 

In Cincinnati, there are hundreds of properties that have been neglected over the years and are now required to undergo a massive renovation. Often the value of the renovation is higher than the purchase price, in cases such as rewiring of electrical wiring, installation of all plumbing pipes in the building, new windows, new roof, etc. But in parallel, there are lots of properties that need a purely cosmetic renovation, such as paint, flooring, kitchen cabinets and so'.


Our goal in "ohad Group" is to maintain a minimum cost and achieve maximum results so that we can rent out your property, keep building and improving quality and still enjoy a very attractive yield. Our company has dozens of decades employees in the field with lots of experience and seniority.

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